Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Sunday, April 26, 2009


Rustin was excited about going and seeing the horses and moocows...hehehe...he didn't understand...actually i think he was more excited about wanting to see brentley...brentley had a little friend go with us and she was a was actually funny cause when we showed up to leave the girls where dressed alike and rustin was that was not planned but cute...when we got there rustin sat on nunas chair and she pushed him around spoiled little thing...the circus was 2 HOURS long he loved it at first but after awhile it got boring and it was hard to keep rustin still but i still think he liked it...he knew the elephants...i guess from watching the jungle book over and over...afterwards when went to mr gattis for some pizza and some play time....the prestons had to leave alittle after we ate the kiddos where tired...rustin played some games and off to home we went...momma was really tired and just wanted to go to bed...thanks nana for taking us and we loved having nuna there with us....we enjoyed you, the prestons, too...just wish we lived closer so we could do it more are some pictures...