Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Rustin's 3rd BIrthday

the Pence Family plus one in the tummy of course

Rustin kissing Nana bye bye

Rustin loved his cake and for everyone coming

Playing with uncle randy

one more picture before it disappears..
Thanks everyone for coming and celebrating rustins 3rd birthday party...he had a blast....he loved all his toys...he would be playing with them all if he hadn't gotten sick...he has a ear infection and an upper respitory infection....uri needs to get better before we can fix the ear infection....hes temp got 104.00 last night so we got him some antiobotics and hes doing much better today...also my dad is doing much better he gets to come home today which we're all excited about....he had us all scared there for awhile but doing much better...thanks again and hope all of you are having a good day...