Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Friday, January 23, 2009

Children + Sickness= Uckyness

ok first of all to start our week of sickness...we let rustin play outside before his birthday party saturday and by the end of his party he was running a fever of around 102.00 he still went with my parents to their house cause rusty and i just figured it was his ear that was giving him problems...his ear has been giving him trouble for about a month and we where going to the dr on monday so no biggy right....anyways my mom calls me sunday morning telling me she gave him tynole at 9:3o and i told her that was hour later she calls me crying cause rustin was in her closet and came out saying he took his medicine...oops...well she had no idea what he took and the only thing she could think of is that her medicine(flexir) fell out when she was doing laundry....they brought him home and rusty and i where just going to watch him at home cause you never know he really did take aunt comes over, who is a nurse, and calls poision control and they tell us to take him to the ER right we take him to the ER where they can monitor him and make sure his vituals are ok....about 4 hours later we get to come home....Monday we take him to the ear specialist and gives us ear drops for his ear and tells us to come back in 2 dad has surgery on his knee and something removed under his arm...well i'm getting rustin medicine at walmart and i get a phone call telling me to get back to the hospital cause my dad is having heart problems and they won't tell us anything i go back with rustins meds and hes running 101.00 so the hosptial is not the place for him right now so i call my mother-in-law and shes nice enough and come and get him...she calls me telling me rustin has fever blister on the outside of his mouth...another thing to worry about i spend the night with my mom in the hospital to watch over my dad (which later we find out cause he had two major surgerys it caused his heart to be over stressed which caused it to not work right)anyways i get up tueday and realize its rustins birthday and i always spend it with him so i go and pick him up we go home take a shower and nap and then go see my dad again....lets just say by the time i left the hospital rustin was running 104 temp...i'm mad cause hes not getting better at make the story shorter i went to the dr today and he told me to start putting rustin back on his allergy medicine cause that was what was causing him to act so sick and to put the humidifer on since we haven't had any moistier in away so thats most of the problem....also he has fever blisters all up in his mouth....just like below....

said this is caused when they first get a fever blister and break out like this...we had to get some medicine for this and out of everything this is what hurts him the most...he cried for 2 hours last night before he went to sleep...and as a momma that just breaks your heart cause there is nothing you can do for i'm hoping he will feel better soon....hes been so cranky since hes been sick and i miss the happy rustin...please pray for us to heal just right and be back to normal soon....


Amanda McNeely said...

I am sorry Rustin has felt so bad! Did the Dr. give him anything to numb his mouth? I will keep you in my prayers. Sounds like you've had a stressful week and I hope this next gets better. Is everything ok with your dad now?