Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

2 months already

Wow i can't believe raily is already 2 months how fast time flies...we went to the dr to day and she weighed in at 11 lbs 4 oz and was 23 inches long....i hated when she had to get shots poor thing...rustin went over to her and keep giving her kisses....sooooo cute....the outfit my mom made her to come in from the hospital finally fits her...its still alittle bit big in the chest but at least she can wear are pictures from month one and now month two...

month one month two


well finally i got to get railys ears pierced...YEAH...she looks so pretty...mami took her to get them done...thanks mami...of course she screamed but finally she calmed down after awhile...poor thing got shots and her ears pierced all in one day but hey i would rather do that then wait and start it all over again...rustin wanted his done but i know daddy would have killed me then...afterwards since rustin did so well we took him to the playground in the mall...

she was looking at the lady cleaning the tools


The Hords said...

Oh my goodness, she has changed so much. It is amazing how fast they grow. I love her little cheeks. Sounds like she is doing well. Looks like ya'll have had a busy, but fun, last couple of weeks.

The Jeffcoats said...

its crazy to see how much she has changed!!! I just love her and rustin! rustin is such a good big brother!