Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Rainy days in the country

Yesturday we got about 7 tenths here at the house....Praise God cause we so needed rain...anyways rustin was suppose to go to his great grandparents house and go swimming but the weather wasn't going to allow us this that when we got home mami came over and took rustin outside to play in the mud...which he loved...he wanted mami to sit in the mud with him but we had to go to town and eat so that didn't happend but she did jump and splash with was funny cause he wanted to go round and mami swung him but his hands where slippery and he fell face first in the mud...he LOVED it and thought it was funny...he had to take a shower with his daddy and he still had mud up his nose....when i was little we where to poor for swimming pools or anything else so we would swim in the ditches...i think that is one of the best memories i have as a child playing with my day raily will get to play with rustin....anyways thought i would was so cute to not post...


PrEsToNs said...

We did the same when I was lil!! So fun!

A Shellbug's World said...

You know we use to do it in the gutter of the road or a low spot down the street. It was always so much fun.