Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Friday, November 28, 2008


Well Rusty and I have been waiting until Thanskgiving to tell everyone our exciting news and its been really hard to wait so long....but i'm 3 1/2 months pregnant.....yeah i'm so glad i get to tell everyone now, it was really hard when i was sick throwing up every day and trying to make it seem like i was ok....we're hoping this one is a girl....its really different then when i was pregnant with rustin....with him i was never sick and always craved donuts and cokes....this one makes me sick with certain smells and i crave fruit....but anyways rustin is so ask him if he wants a brother or sister and he will tell you "no boter,i siser"its so cute except yesturday and he was having such a bad day and was acting cousin asked him if momma ate the baby and he told him funny...i think the family is going to have a blast with mom never knew i was pregnant and so when i told her yesturday it was first she was crying then she was finally putting everything together that i have said in the past 3 1/2 months then she was mad at herself for not figuring it out....we had a shirt for rustin which i will have to take a picture later cause it has blood all over it(i will explain in a minute) anyways his shirt says only child and thats marked out and under that it says BIG BROTHER...well its funny to see how long it takes people to get that...with rustys family it took a minute but when they figured it out it was brother cracked me up he read the shirt and looked and me and said well what does that mean....i just laughed at him and told him to think about it a minute...when he finally got it he told me he was glad cause that took the pressure off him for awhile....hes so anyways thats our exciting news....back to the blood on rustins shirt....we ate with the davis side and ate at pep cause all of nunas stuff is packed to go to the new house...anyways rustin fell off his chair, hit the table then hit the concret floor...which split his chin open....he wasn't wearing his shirt then but later on that day it was still bleeding through the bandade and got some on his i will have to clean it up.....well happy thanksgiving and i guess we have to look forward to december so exciting....


PrEsToNs said...

congrats! we are so very excited for you guys!

Amanda McNeely said...

How exciting! Congrats! One is great....two is even better!