Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Monday, March 21, 2011

Friday Fun at the ZOO

Mami called on Wednesday and had the idea of taking the kids to the Abilene Zoo on friday so when Friday came along they where so excited...Rustin keep asking every 5 minutes are we there to see the animals...finally we got there and he was sooooo excited..raily she just goes with the flow...we even got to take our cousin Paige along with us...she hadn't been to the zoo until she was 2 or something like that so her and rustin where so ready to get in and wanted to see everything..afterwards we went to the chilis and ate then went home...but not before detouring to Lamesa and see our sweet little Hailee...thanks for letting us go Mami we had such a blast...

Rustin looking at the Gator

and the gator was looking back at him

monkey see monkey do

raily loved the monkey i had such a hard time getting her away from this area

I love this young man(can't say little anymore hes growing up way to fast)

and this little girl is just pure rotteness(but i do love her)

it sure was hot so mami stopped and got them something to drink...i just loved there cups..raily got a pink flammingo and rustin got a giraffee cause that was his favorite out of all of them

My Mom is such a wonderful Mami...without her we would have been bored on friday

I just love my kiddos

i LOVE this picture of Paige..she is soooooo beautiful....

man this sucker had such a long tongue

she was interested in something

i thought this bird was sooooo ugly that its pretty

and rusty cracked me up on this one...he said one more turtle and it would have been the teenage mutan turtles...hahahaa