Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Wednesday, January 26, 2011

9 years and counting

Its funny how much 9 years can change...go from film to digital camera...have two amazing children..and did i mention the best out of these 9 years we celebrate 9 wonderful years together...we have two amazing children who act just like their daddy but occassionally just like their momma...i couldn't ask for a better man for me then rusty...i have to be honest i didn't think we where going to make it that first year cause that was a big adjustment for me and him but we stuck through it and here we are today..i love when he comes home and the kids light up to see him and of course i do to...its funny to hear everyone remember the day we got married..."oh i remember how sick rusty was with food poisioning" or "oh poor rusty was soooo green" hahha forget how pretty everything was but they remember how sick he was...and yes he was very sick, in fact, we spent our honeymoon night in the ER but with a shot and some rest he was ready to leave on our i can't wait to see what GOD has in store for the many more years to come with him...thank you Lord for giving me such a wonderful man to love all these years you knew exactually who i needed in my life...

the pictures are pictures in a picture...i don't have a scanner so i had to take them with my camera...