Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Friday, December 11, 2009

fun with daddy and nap time

our new thing here lately is to make houses with our blankets...of course sister comes over and messes it up...then momma has to make it alllllll over again...its so funny...

see that smile she just messed up his house and was laughing....

daddy and rustin playing...he just loves his daddy and i was glad that daddy came home and played with him so i didn't have to make any more houses....

Raily is a rolly polly now and her favorite spot is under the christmas tree trying to eat the presents...silly girl

wow my little girl is just growing up every second...rusty and i have started not wrapping her up anymore when she sleeps so she can get use to it...cause come on we can't quit wrap her up everynight until shes 18...hehehe..anyways shes doing so well...