Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Friday, September 11, 2009

I just had to post this...the look on her face was funny.... I hate that i cut part of her head off but love the kodak camera is going bad on me...i guess i take to many pictures..hahaha

These bows i made for her..yeah i'm getting there....

I left rustin with his daddy and once again rustin likes to go off and venture...i came home to his foot all red from rustys chemical we will see how long this stuff will come off...

This week has been a sad dog that i had for 5 years was killed...we truely miss him..rustin doesn't get the concept of being dead...he will ask me "momma is tana getting a spanking?" why rustin "cause tana ran away and thats a no no"...i guess he remebers when he ran off and got into trouble...but he will be missed...we got offered a puppy great perines(not sure if i spelled that right) but i guess rusty wants her...of great dog food buying here we come...

Rustys grandma (NUNA) had surgery on monday and did excellent...they had to stretch her 1/2 inche on oneside to make her even...poor nuna but shes doing well...thanks everyone for the prayers...


A Shellbug's World said...

Awwww what a pretty little girl you have.