Rustin Lee

baby growth

Raily Daniece


Thursday, March 19, 2009


Well momma and daddy are soooooo excited today...for almost a year now we have been trying to potty train rustin....we have the peeing down cause being a boy you can pee about any the pooping part has been a real we took his favorite thing that he loves and took it away...which, if you haven't guessed it yet, is gum...we had to tell everyone he isn't allowed gum until he poops in the potty...well this morning i was on the phone with rusty when i saw rustin run into his bathroom...i saw him sitting down reading his book...yeah we have books for him to read makes it so much more fun i guess...anyways rustys telling me to go and look and i'm trying to tell him rustin needs his privacy and when he gets off i will go and rustins yelling at me "momma i poop poop, i poop poop" so i go and look and sure then he starts yelling "rustins gumball, rustins gumball momma" so i gave him a penny to put into his gumball machine and you thought that getting a gumball was the best thing in the world this morning....we're so proud of i hope he keeps it up....i would so hate to have to change two little ones diapers a day....anyways sorry people if you think this is gross but if you're a momma then you've realized at one point in time this is a milestone...