So we went down to my brothers house Friday so we could gather wood for our house....yes i know we don't have a fireplace but rusty cooks with it...anyways we gathered a whole trailer load...rustin loved it he stayed on the trailer and helped load the wood it was so was neat there where two bulls that came really close to us...the owner of the land was really nice he had this machine that would cut the wood for was neat....finally when we got done we went back to bubbas house and rustin was acting really weird and come to find out he was running 101.8 temp....we got home and figured out it was his ear...we had gone to the dr and he told us that two years ago when we had tubes put in his ears one of them has moved and instead of moving out it went into the ear which is causing infections....we go back on the 19th to find out if hes going to have to have surgery again....looking at it i bet we have to but hope for the best...finally sunday night he broke his fever and we got some ear drops to help that is something fun to do....anyways here are some pictures for the day...
Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Gathering Wood
Posted by The Pence Family at 7:44 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Finally at Last Christmas Pictures
Finally i got the time to update everyone on how our christmas went...starting with Christmas Eve...
Christmas Day
We woke up early and had breakfast and rustin couldn't wait any longer so he got to open up some parents got him a camo rockin chair which he loves...the only thing is momma and daddy had to rearrange the house so he could have a place for his chair...anyways he got a trampoline and alot of cool stuff...we had to pack and off to nana and pappy's house....he got alot of cool trains and played the guitar with pappy....
Posted by The Pence Family at 9:17 AM 1 comments
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Posted by The Pence Family at 6:48 PM 1 comments
Ferguson Christmas Party
Saturday night we celebrated christmas with my side of the was pretty aunt did the Redneck theme...we had boiled shrimp, fish and chicken and of course served like rednecks....after we ate we had a scavanger hunt which was funny cause it was men vs women...yup and and the women won...then we opened gifts...rustin had a blast he got some new trucks, books, underwear and matt and beka got him his first pair of spurs...which he loves....for a gift rustin and i made cookies and decorated them...thanks amanda for the idea....anyways we had a blast and can't wait to do it again next year...thanks guys....
Posted by The Pence Family at 12:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Double Sick
Rustin wasn't feeling good Friday at all...he was sleepy and clingy...and it was to late to take him to the dr so we gave him some cold medicine thinking that would fix it....nope and guess what saturday momma got we had to wait until monday to go to the dr to find out what we we where sitting there waiting for the dr and this little girl wants rustin to color with her...thats fine you can't keep kids from playing with each i'm sitting there sick and feeling crappy while being 4 months pregnant and the other mom tells someone that her little girl had to skip school cause she thought she had strep....come on now if you think your kid has strep keep them away from everyone else or at least let them here i am pissed cause i don't want rustin getting it so i make him sit with me and we HAVE to put sanitizer on his hands...well finally we get called back to see the dr and we have to take the test for strep to just make sure....i was so proud of rustin they had to put a q-tip down the back of your throat which makes you gag..he gaged about twice but never cried or threw a fit.....momma was so proud of her big boy...anyways back to the dr....come to find out rustin had broncitis and strep and momma had the beginning of even if that little girl didn't have strep good luck to them we've been staying home like everyone should if they are sick....we're trying to get better so we'll be good for next week....hope to see you guys after the holidays....Merry Christmas....
Posted by The Pence Family at 3:14 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 12, 2008
Jump N Jungle
So finally the McNeelys and us got together for a playdate...Rustin had a blast....He loved following gage around...of course it took Mac awhile to warm up to the whole place....but they played for a whole hour and half then we took them to mcdonalds to play in the playground....i, of course, couldn't get rustin to eat cause he loves to play more then eat....but eventually i got him to eat a chicken nugget....but thanks guys for such a great day we needed it after the week we have had...can't wait to do it again....
Posted by The Pence Family at 3:01 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Mami & Ice Cream
Ok so my mom (Mami) gave rustin ice cream on the way home from lubbock today....well it was about 4:00 and he hadn't had a nap yet so when i didn't here a peep out of him so when i turned around yeap asleep with ice cream every where....we laughed and laughed and was such a cute thing and of course pictures had to been taken.....
Posted by The Pence Family at 6:56 PM 0 comments
Monday, December 8, 2008
Last Day before winter...
Posted by The Pence Family at 12:54 PM 1 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
Levelland has this thing where santa comes to the square and visites the little kids...well it never fails that it is always last night we took rustin and momma stood out in the cold for 45 mintues so rustin could see santa....wondering where daddy and rustin where????IN the nice warm truck...don't get me wrong....i didn't want rustin getting out in the cold for long and getting sick and why didn't rusty stand in line...well first of all he didn't want to go so i know if he stood out there i would never hear the end of it...anyways when i got close enough i called the guys and they meet me in time to see was funny i took my cannon and we where the third in line and i went to take a picture of rustin and rusty and guess was funny...luckly i had my kodak so rusty had to go get that for me right quick before it was our turn....but oh was the wait forth while...rustin saw santa and started telling everyone"its santa clock, santa clock momma" so he got to sit on santas lap and smile his heart out and 2 minutes later we where in the truck trying to defrost momma.....then we went to nunas new house to see the new carpet and rustin got to play with gracie(that would be a dog).....then we went home and crashed....he had such a blast i love moments like this cause i know he will be bigger one day and won't care about anything like this.....he saw santa and was all excited....
he loved santa....
momma defrosting from standing outside for 45 minutes....
then he crashed.....
Posted by The Pence Family at 8:16 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!
I'm so ready for christmas to be here...we've done pretty well this year...we're one of those people who wait until the 24th to buy everyones gifts but not this year i think we have only 4 people to buy for until christmas....yeah...i finally got my christmas cards out which i love to do every year...its like sending out christmas gifts....anyways we had to take these early this year cause i didn't want to be big and pregnant and plus i didn't tell anyone that i was when my mom takes our pictures i didn't want her to be surprised....anyways off of that but MERRY CHRISTMAS.....
Posted by The Pence Family at 11:19 AM 1 comments
Friday, November 28, 2008
Posted by The Pence Family at 8:17 AM 2 comments
Monday, November 24, 2008
Busy weekend....
So friday Ropes was playing in the playoffs in amarillo so rustin and i wrote with them to watch the game...but with it being 20 something degrees i didn't want to get him out so my parents got a room and rustin and i stayed in it until the came back...we spent the night and got up early in the morning and went to ihop for breakfast and headed home.....i think he really enjoyed staying in the hotel cause i let him jump on the bed and do about anything he wanted to do....
So saturday after we came back from amarillo we stopped at ropes and let rustin ride the cotton stripper with uncle curtis...he loved it....they said when he was riding the stripper that every time they say a weed he would yell "weed"....after he rode the stripper, we took him to the modle builder and he also loved that.....we took a picture in the cotton and then we went home cause boy we sure where tired.....but that wasn't....we got a new puppy...yeah rustin loves her...her name is lady and shes a blue heeler....its going to take some time to train her but i think she will be worth it...finally rustin crashed at 7:30 at night cause boy where we tired....
so finally we are to sunday...we went to church and after church we went to eat in lubbock....after we ate we went to granny jeffcoats and visited her awhile...we left then went home to get a good nap before the POLAR EXPRESS...which by the way rustin loved...they said the first week they opened to sell tickets they had 21,ooo hits....they said next year that they are selling the tickets through select a seat and starting february.....the ride is really bumpy and the train gets really hot but other then that rustin had a blast...they get to stand in the aisle and dance and sing and santa was really worth the money...rustin got to talk to his daddy afterwards and he yelled in the phone really loud "choo choo train fun daddy" made me laugh cause i didn't really realize how much fun he really he is still talking about makes you really enjoy these moments cause one day they will grow up so fast...anyways i could go on and on but my now my hands hurt....
Posted by The Pence Family at 9:29 AM 0 comments